Baby Lock Ellure (ESL)
Average Rating: 3.9 out of 5Number of Reviews: 31
• Positve: 28
• Negative: 7

I have not started to use my embroidery Machine. I haven’t got brave enough. I love the way the machine sews, so I know I will the embroidery part. I found the manual which a lot of people have searched for. If anyone needs it please email me at and I will send it to you.

Really enjoy the site. I have found the manual for the Baby Lock Ellure ESL. If someone needs it just email and I will gladly send it.

I bought mine used and I am trying to find a manual. I can’t even download one. Could someone help me? I would pay to have a manual copied and shipped. Please let me know. I love the way t sews but would really like to have manual so I can do the embroidery.
Thank you, Loretta

Bought on Ebay recently for $50.00. Seems to work fine but can’t find a user’s manual. (Need to replace light bulb & the part that’s supposed to open, won’t open.)


I bought this machine June 2017 and I started sewing on it in Sept 2017. From Sept 2017 to July 2018 it has been in the shop for repairs 5 times. Do not buy this machine. I am thinking that babylock is a bad machine to own.


My machine was purchased brand new by me in 2004 for 1,000.00, no small change for a military family with two kids, but it was quiet, and I loved the thread cutter when it worked. It has been through several servicings after warranty for the cutter which hasn’t worked in years. I loved the embroidery unit, but the training wasn’t all that great at the time (run by machine repairmen, not home or sewing enthusiasts) for using it. I’m in a quilting group with high end embroidery machines among the members, so I’ve learned enough to pull the attachment out and try what I’ve learned. It is really limiting with deco cards. Magic box and computer software has changed considerably in the 12 years since its purchase. My computer favorites are Apple products, which don’t necessarily work well with baby lock/ brother. Secondary market is really pricey for deco cards because they are not made anymore…less expensive are CD’s and USB thumb drives, but the machine and software…just as well buy a new machine. I’ll wait. I have a friend with a bernina chicago 7, and have learned from her how to make things work well without a thread cutter. It’s an okay machine, but in 2017, there are very few sources for deco cards beyond eBay. Good deco card designs look good on this machine. It’s a great beginner machine in a 2017 market. It pieces quilts well, but have broken two walking feet on it (baby lock and a generic walking foot), so I don’t use it to quilt anymore. It’s not a workhorse, but a trainer pony.

Have had one problem with timing, which was repaired at no cost, even though the shop where it had been purchased was no longer in business. It was a shock that you have to keep a button pressed at all times in order to sew in reverse! (I need that hand to guide fabric!) The thread cutter is handy (works 95% of the time) especially when tacking, and after the needle threader and I came to an agreement about our mutual abilities, I love that feature, which makes it possible to sew without my reading glasses. The embroidery function works well, but instructions on use of the adjustments for embroidery are not thorough (I never know which direction a design will face without experimenting). Stitch quality is good. Go to my old Bernina for buttonholes (simpler). Having to unplug the treadle to wind a bobbin or embroider is a nuisance.

I have had mine 16 years. Never a problem and
Always a lot of fun.

I have had my machine for about 8 years. I paid $999 on a special. I have never had a single problem with any part of it. I have sewn, quilted, free-hand quilted, embroidered with excellent results. I only wish I knew the Plus was coming out, I would have waited. Copying to a card is a pain at times and limits the amount that can be copied. A USB post seems such a nice upgrade. But I’m not paying $2000 for a little inconvience.

I have had it for 12 years. It has cost me my love of sewing. Thread breaks often. It is too finicky for Coates and Clark, needs expensive thread.Threader is not dependable. The 1 plus is it makes beautiful button holes. Now thread is caught in the upper tension mechanism and heaven knows what that is gonna cost to repair. I am done with over priced , computerized sewing machines. I just bought an old Singer touch and Sew off Craig’s List. I love it!

My husband bought me my babylock ellure about 15 years ago. I do commercial sewing all the, including dance costumes, weddings and alterations. My ellure is obviously older, but has worked just fine for me until the last few years. I’ve had to have a circuit board replaced (think it was the last one in the known universe - row boated over from Asia and then walked across the United States!! Needless to say, SEVERAL months went by without my machine… BUT once I got it home, it again worked very well until recently. I think the thing is just wearing out and is tired. The circuit board is again causing troubles, the thread cutter doesn’t work, the threader doesn’t work… the tension is off… I am getting ready to upgrade to a new to me babylock ellegante and hoping it works just as well as this machine did!!

I paid $1300 for mine and I wish I had saved my money and buy a better machine. Its a pain to deal with the memory stick I wish it had a USB cord to transfer designs from the computer to the machine.
Also they don’t tell you how expensive the software is plus other little things that goes with the machine.
Ladies if you are planning on using this machine to make things for sale, save your money for something better.
I am very disappointed.

Cant stand this machine. I am currently looking for a new one wish I would have saved my money

no!no! no!I am not happy with this machine at all. The book reads do this and go back to page 15 go to page 45 go to page 101 go to page 21, there is no end and it tells you a problem but not how to fix it.

I love my Ellure and it has worked wonderful for 5 years. I am having a problem now with my arm(that you attach the hoop to), It wants to jump to the right when I start up. I have had it in the shop several times for this problem. Sometimes the arm will not move at all and makes a terrible noise. I would like to find someone in West Central Al, or East Central to fix it for me. Can the machines be rebuilt? the motor is in good running condition, Can any one help me???

I’ve had my Ellure for 10 years and could not part with it. I have 2 other newer machines and barely use them. I use the Ellure for everything. Anytime I had a problem it was my fault, old thread, loose screw, stuff we all have done at least once.

I have had my Ellure esl for about 6 years. I do not use it very often but when I do, it is perfect for all the things I do. I think that most of the problems that I did have resulted from not taking the time for the free classes that came with the machine and not reading the manual.
I have sewn things for the house and things for my grandaughters, embroidered on many types of fabric, and now I am learning how to appliqué so that it comes out perfect.
At the time that I was looking around for an embroidery machine, most of the other well known brands were over $5,000 so I think the ellure is a great bargain!
I think I paid $999 for it when I bought it 6 years ago and it has performed perfectly as long as I really understand how to do something before I actually do it.

I have mine for about 4 or 5 years now and I am enjoying it so much I live in Travelers rest SC if anyone of you live close to me I will be happy to give you lesson on how to operate this machine,

I bought mine several years back I think 2003.
I only had to have it serviced once and that was because the tension up in side where you thread it caught my thread and it was wound up pretty good.The whole unit had to be replaced at the cost of 145.00.Since this was done I haven’t had any problems.
Lots of problems with thread up inside machine breaking.Not sure if this is an issue with the manufacturing of it or not,but it seams a lot of us have had the same problems with thread issues.

For this being my first sewing machine, I am very happy. Has lots of capabilities with the sewing and the embroidery. The company where I purchase it is a little pricey but they are very helpful when I have questions. I have only had to take my machine in for my cleanings, for 3 years I feel that is good.

the first time for me about baby lock the thread jammed and they dont want to fixed and the dealer didnt givn me class on my baby lock can some help me please.

I have had mine for about 4 years and has only been in the shop once for jammed thread. It is a real workhorse and I use it 2-3 times a week. I paid about $650 for it and it is much less finicky than my expensive Bernina. Would highly recommend it.

If you value your time and money…DO NOT PURCHASE THIS MACHINE!!! I have had it ten months…..repaired 3 times. Thread shreds and “the thread wrapped around the arm and broke it”…..EMBROIDERY THREAD BROKE AN ARM??????????? And by the way…if you move during the warranty period…TOUGH. If you don not take it back to the store you bought it at…you will be charged. It doesnt matter if its an authorized dealer or not. You can request babylock to fix it but THEY CHARGE YOU TO SHIP IT TO THEM AND CHARGE FOR THE REPAIRS…. stick with a husqvarna!!!!

My babylock ellure works finr except for threading the bobin. The manual gives the bobbin model number of the correct bobbin to use. It also tells you that use of the wrong bobbin will cause the bobbin winder to malfunction. I think that is why mine doesn’t work any more. I’m not sure how the company expects anyone to be able to distinguish between numbers when most of the baby lock bobbins work interchangeably when you sew with them. This is a frustrating problem for me.

I have had my machine for 3 years and have had to have it repaired 3 times each time for thread caught up inside where you can’t get it. Have replaced the bobbin case once. Usually works okay would like a bigger review screen but if you use the computer then load the designs works great.

i love my machine, but i just can not find the right bobbins for my ellure (ESL) i even bought some off the babylock web site and do not fit. i only have two for my ellure.
thank you ,
patti mierly

I’ve had my Ellure Plus 8 months. Had to bring it in because the thread was shredding in the tension area and the automatic needle threader wouldn’t work. The technician said it was due to “abuse”. Abuse??????
And to never sew with clear thread. Funny the Salesperson never mentioned it to me at time of purchase. I find it too complicated to take apart to remove the shredded thread from inside the machine. My older models of Kenmore are not as sensitive, though they are not embroidery machines. The dealer is open only Tues. - Friday 10 - 4 and never available to help. Had I known, I’d buy a Brother (same maker) from a chain fabric store.

I have have taken my Ellure plus back to the place of purchase it at least 6 times…I have a horrible time with the button hole feature it hangs up and stiches in place. Heaven forbid should I try an embroidery pattern the tread contantly breaks and hangs up in the machine (I have tried special emboidery needles and they ae no different than the universal in performance) also the bobbin tread gets hung up and loopy I have tossed out many ruined pieces of fabric because of this.
When I purchaed the machine they assured me it would sew through many layers heavy fabrics and even demonstrated that fact to me in the store by sewing through 6 layers of denim. I was impressed so bought the machine. I had it no more that 5 or 6 months and it broke (smething to do with the part that makes the needle go up and down). The machine was in the shop for a week and when I got it back he told me the machine was not to be used on heavy fabrics ( By the way I was sewing on light weight fabric when it broke) Well Hello! One of the first questions I asked when I bought the machine was “will it sew though denim?” Needles to say I am very unhappy with this machine and will never buy another one…I fact I have been sewing on my cheap little Kenmore machine that the shop I purchesed the Babylock from wouldn’t even consider as a trade in. I have to tell you I am glad they didn’t take it because I wouldn’t have anything dependable to sew on.

It sews and embroiders well and the price is very attractive. The display is not big enough and not enough design editing feature. For instance, rotating a design only by 90 degree increments. This is to be expected because of its price. I find the low bobbin thread warning goes off to early. It’s great for those wanting to get into machine embroidery. I paid approx. $950 for mine so at that price alone and the fact that there really isn’t any major flaw; it’s hard not to give the Ellure a perfect score.